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Way of the Warrior

We have instituted a House System that includes School Wide competition and expectations. New students will get to draw into 1 of 4 houses, where we will work to strengthen areas that are needed in today’s society. These include building-wide Classroom Universal Practices and Family Values. Below are our first 5 Family Values we will be learning.

BHMS Family Values

Value 1: Yes Ma’m, No Sir

When responding to any adult, you should answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No sir”.  

Just nodding your head or saying other forms of yes or no is not acceptable.

Value 2:  Make Eye Contact

Make eye contact.  When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times.  If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.

Value 3:  When a Substitute Teacher is Present, All Class Rules Still Apply

While you are with a substitute teacher, you will obey the same rules that you follow when the regular teacher is with you.  (This is hard, but it is important.)

Value 4:  Excuse Me

If someone bumps into you, even if it was not your fault, say “excuse me.”

Value 5:  If Anyone is Bullying You, Let a Teacher Know, and Do Not Bully Others

If any child in this school is bothering you, let a teacher know.  We are your teachers and we are here to look after you and protect you.  We will not let anyone in this school bully you or make you feel uncomfortable.  We ask that you not take matters into your own hands.  Do not bully others.

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