Start To Your Day

If your student does not ride a bus they will need to be dropped off in the morning in the circle drive at doors 5 and 6 in front of the Middle School (Kuhl Ave.). Please do not stop in the street in front of the Middle School to drop your students off. You will also need to pick your students up in the circle drive in the afternoon. There is no parking in the circle drive at any time. Please park in the designated parking lot in the middle of the circle drive. Please do not drop your students off before 7:15 a.m., and please pick them up by 3:15 daily. If a change to pick up needs to be made, please notify the office prior to 1:00pm. 

All fall athletic practices for BHMS except MS football will start the first day of school immediately after school. Please make sure your student has a current physical that is signed by a physician. The Annual Requirements form needs to be signed by student and a parent/guardian. Students cannot participate in practices or games until this information is completed in full! 

1. Student lockers are the property of Warren Co. R-III School District.
2. Student lockers remain at all times under the control of the Warren Co. R-III School District.
3. Students are expected to assume responsibility for their own lockers and the security of its contents.
4. Warren Co. R-III School District retains the right to inspect lockers at any time.
5. No stickers or materials of a permanent nature are allowed on the lockers.

Students are provided lunch during the following times, by grade: 6th grade - 1:08-11:30; 7th grade - 12:00-12:22; 8th grade - 12:52-1:14. They may bring their own lunch, purchase a lunch, or buy Ala-Carte items at individual prices.  Proper behavior will be expected while in the lunchroom. Loss of privileges, such as eating with friends, or more severe consequences will occur for excessive disruption.
Students will be responsible for paying for lunches again this school year.  Please fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch application even if you don’t think you will qualify.

The middle school has a full-time registered nurse on staff. Students must obtain a pass to visit the nurse’s office from a teacher. Only emergencies are allowed between classes.
Any student infected with a contagious or infectious disease or has had a temperature of 100 degrees or higher shall not be allowed to attend school for at least 24 hours after the fever has dropped or medical authorities have indicated that the student may return.
Immunization records are required and maintained for all students. DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis), Polio, MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), and Hepatitis B are all required by Missouri law for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Over-the-Counter Medications
The district may administer over-the-counter medication to a student upon receipt of a written request and permission to do so by a parent/guardian. The district will provide Advil or generic substitute, Tylenol or generic substitute, upon written permission from parent/guardian up to six (6) doses per semester. Further dosage will only occur with written doctor’s permission. All over-the-counter medications must be delivered to the school principal or designee in the manufacturer’s original packaging and will only be administered in accordance with the manufacturer’s label.
Prescription Medications
The parent/guardian must provide the district with written permission to administer the medication before the district will administer the prescription medication to the student. The prescription label will be considered the equivalent of a prescriber’s written direction, and a separate document is not needed.
Students are not allowed to keep medication in their bags or lockers. Doing so may result in disciplinary measures.

All dress code procedures will adhere to health and safety codes and comply with applicable law. Dress that materially disrupts the educational environment will be prohibited. No procedure will impose dress and grooming rules based on gender in violation of Title IX.
The following student dress guidelines should be followed:
1. It is each student’s responsibility to dress in a manner that reflects self-respect and safety.
2. Footwear is required at all times. Slippers are unacceptable.
3. No clothing that will cause disruptive or undue attention; including, but not limited to: Anything that promotes or displays tobacco, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons, suggestive language, or obscene pictures.
4. No clothing that is revealing including, but not limited to, spaghetti straps, strapless shirts/dresses, short shorts, sagging pants, jeans, or shorts, “bare” midriff tops, muscle shirts, etc.
5. No heavy coats are to be worn during the school day. The student should keep heavy coats in their lockers.
6. Students are expected to follow the dress code at ALL school-sponsored activities. This will include socials, football games, field trips, etc.
7. Guidelines may be altered according to special school sponsored activities.

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